The story of Sophia is based on a series of events that happened during a short vacation.
Choose on which day of the trip these events happened.
My grandmother was waiting for us at the window.
I never want to leave here!
I gave my Mom a big hug and thanked her for wanting to introduce me to my roots!
During our long walk, my mother and my grandmother had fun teaching me a few words in our language.
Back at the house, my grandmother made me an infusion. And poof! My headache was gone!
And then my cousin took her leather bracelet off her wrist gave it to me. She said, “This is so you never forget where you come from”.
I saw lakes, forests, lakes, forests. And then more lakes and forests!
An old woman asked a question in Cree. I looked at my grandmother and my mother; I didn’t know what to say.
Then, my grandmother showed me how to concoct her secret herb mixture.
My great aunt told me that she would keep it for me, that it will be my dog every time I go for a visit.
My cousin told me I couldn’t leave without going for a ride on a four-wheeler.
Today my mother and I are packing our bags for the long trip to Mistissini.
Grandma woke me up this morning with a fish in her hands.
My grandmother had me sample some delicious smoked salmon!
My grandmother and I picked some plants in the forest.
My cousin and I listened to the wind whistling in the trees.
I woke up with an awful headache.
I begged my mother to adopt a dog.