Unfortunately, prejudice is still part of our societies, our daily lives and our history.

In the first paragraph, a gang of boys used the word “Indians” to refer to Kimberly and her cousins, and this angered her. Referring to the text, choose Yes or No if the reasons below explain Kimberly’s reaction.

Choose two examples of stereotypes (prejudices) Kimberly brings up about the Algonquian way of life.

Each great founding people of Quebec has its own roots and every right to take its place and blossom. She considers herself a modern Aboriginal girl, convinced of the value of her origins and customs. Kimberly’s culture is fragile and difficult to preserve, particularly because of prejudices portrayed in the media. Anyone you meet in your life could be Aboriginal or have an Aboriginal family.

Kimberly does not want to feel like her culture is a burden to her.

Kimberly no longer wants to feel like an intruder in her own country and wants to live in respect for others.

The place where Kimberly lives was founded based on a mixture of Aboriginal, French and British cultures.

An Aboriginal person is as much of a Quebecker as any other Quebecker.