A story is usually always built the same way: a beginning, events in the middle and an end.
Some elements are essential for understanding the story.

  • Hint
    I can summarize the beginning of the story by saying: this is the story of… In the story there are many events. I can name the events one after another. At the end, the story comes to a conclusion. I can explain the end of the story by asking myself what happened to the characters, especially the main character.
Melody and her grandmother pick edible plants and Melody is surprised by how much knowledge her grandmother has. Her grandmother thanks Mother Nature for its precious gifts. Modern times in a forest Melody Melody and her grandmother return to the camp and the young girl observes her grandparents’ gestures and actions. During the night, a bear comes to prowl around. Melody’s grandfather makes it go away by singing. Melody’s grandparents insist that she help them build a shelter or else she will have to sleep under the stars. Melody will always remember her wonderful birthday present and be grateful to her parents. Melody discovers her grandparents in a different light and realizes she has learned a lot from them. This is the story of Melody who had just turned 12. She is getting ready to reconnect with her Amerindian roots. Melody wakes up and realizes that she knows how to do many things, including how to hear the wind sing. Her Aboriginal flame lights up inside her. When they get to the forest, Melody is mad at her parents, even more so when her grandfather announces that she has to find wood because she and her grandparents will be staying in the forest without any supplies. Melody’s grandparents

Time and place

Main character

Other characters

Initial situation (Exposition)


Event 1

Event 2

Event 3

Event 4

Event 5

Event 6

Falling action