Some symbols are shared by many Aboriginal cultures, while others are important to one nation in particular.

The circle is often found in Aboriginal traditions, images and legends. Discussions take place in a circle, because in a circle everyone is equal. Time also passes in a circle, in cycles that begin again: the seasons, the ages of life, nature that renews itself.

The cardinal points, which can also be placed inside a circle, are similarly linked to important symbols for several cultures. Thus, the East where the sun rises is related to light, but also to old age, which is the age in life when one passes on knowledge. The West is related to the colour black and rain, but also to youth, the period when we try to figure out who we are.

Among the Iroquoians, the turtle is an important symbolic animal because the world was created on a turtle’s back. This image is therefore found on many Huron-Wendat and Mohawk objects, because it symbolizes wisdom and immortality.