Amerindian Two community acting boy stone moon costume canoe stage necklace six master National Aboriginal Day

Kelly is a 12 year-old girl from the great Eeyou (Cree) family. She enjoys doing many activities, but what she loves most of all is .During the celebration of , she acts in a play with other kids. This play tells an Aboriginal legend. Many spectators come to see the play: friends, members of the family and the and people she’s never seen before.

When the play begins, there are three children onstage, two girls and one boy. They are having fun and running around a lake. other actors enter: one who raises a and another who wears a loon . The loon, who is the of the night, announces that it’s time to go home. All of the actors leave the , except one young whose name is Napiwa.

When the sun rises the next day, Napiwa is nowhere to be found. Kelly, Napiwa’s mother, holds a and begs the spirits to bring her son back. Napiwa returns after days. He tells about how his capsized and the great loon saved him. To thank the loon, Napiwa’s mother gives it a magnificent made of white feathers.