Activity 1: Five questions for better comprehension

Target audience

  • Cycle 2


  • 45 minutes

Type of text

  • Story

Pedagogical objective

  • To ask a set of questions about the 5 elements: Who? What? Where? When? How?

Specific objective based on Progression of learning

  • To identify important information in longer or more complex sentences.

Teaching avenues

  • Before reading, highlight the 5 questions that help students find important elements of a text: Who? What? Where? When? How?
  • While reading, for each passage, bring up a relevant question to encourage the students to process the information read.
  • After reading:
    • under each word indicated, have students say which elements to place there;
    • Do the activity.

Activity 2: Aboriginal traditions

Target audience

  • Cycle 2


  • 45 – 60 minutes

Type of text

  • Story

Pedagogical objective

  • To acquire concepts related to the Algonquian society.

Specific objective based on Progression of learning

  • To extract explicit and implicit information from a text.

Teaching avenues

  • Before reading, brainstorm students’ knowledge of Aboriginal and Algonquin traditions.
  • While reading, bring up what is related to cultural elements.
  • After reading:
    • Have a discussion about Aboriginal traditions. Group the various elements together according to their characteristics (way of life, activities, etc.);
    • Do the activity.